Childbirth Related Pelvic Floor Investigation, Medical Device Consulting, Professional Coaching
Research Scholar / International Visitor Program
Integrating a global perspective within the section of FPMRS requires input from a number of sources such as study/travel experiences for faculty to learn about the world, as well as an integration of international content within the curriculum or through interactions with international researchers. Another way is to host international researchers who share their life and work experiences with us. The Research Scholar Program provides such an experience for our program as well as the visitors. The Research Scholar Program is open to practicing physicians, educators, or basic scientists who wish to come to the Washington DC and study with on-site faculty mentors in the section of FPMRS. The scholars may come to learn and perform research on 3d Pelvic floor ultrasonography, or perform other basic science research conducted within our section. If you are an international research scholar, your J1 visa will not allow you to have any patient contact. These scholars will provide learning objectives for their time in residence and the International office will assist them with a J-1 visa. No certificate is awarded. We do not assess a fee and the scholar will not be paid. This will be a rigerous program for those who intend to perform extensive research and publication. Three weeks of vacation per year is permitted. The scholar should come with own funding, a grant from the International Continence Society (ICS), or the International Urogynecologic Association (IUGA) The length of study can vary from 12 months to 2 years depending on your level of expertise. Interested applicants need to fill an application as posted below in PDF format, scan and email it back to After you are accepted into the program,
1) We will put you in touch with the immigration officers for J1 visa processing.
2) You will need to complete on-line citi research training, and on site training upon arrival.
3) A complete knowledge of Microsoft, database building, and SPSS/SAS database processing or statistics will be helpful.